Smiling person with long brown hair wearing a dark shirt, arms crossed, against a plain background.

Sarah Sherman

Board-Certified Sports Physical Therapy Clinical Specialist
Athletic Trainer
Co-Owner & President, Live4 Physical Therapy & Wellness

Areas of specialty

Youth, high-school, & collegiate athletes
ACL tear/reconstruction
Endurance athletes (i.e. runners, triathletes, swimmers)
Throwing injuries
Concussion rehabilitation
Performing artists (i.e. figure skaters, dancers, gymnasts)
Active individuals & recreational athletes

  • Texas Health Sports Medicine Sports Physical Therapy Residency

    Doctor of Physical Therapy, Boston University

    Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, Boston University

  • Board-Certified Sports Clinical Specialist, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties

    Dry Needling for Orthopedic Rehabilitation and Sports Performance, Structure & Function

    Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified, Precision Nutrition

    Credentialed Blood Flow Restriction Specialist, KAATSU

  • Runner, hiker, and former competitive figure skater.

    Originally from Holliston, MA (but so happy to call Acton home)!

    Lover of good coffee, local food, and spending time with family.

  • Boston Marathon, Medical Volunteer

    Boston Marathon Charity Runner, Dana Farber Cancer Institute

    American Academy of Sports Physical Therapy, Specialization Committee Vice Chair

    Physical Therapy & Athletic Training Education Programs, Clinical Instructor & Guest Lecturer