Bridging the Gap: What Athletic Trainers Know About AMI

Why Repeated Testing Matters in ACL Reconstruction
Rewiring Recovery: Treating Muscle Inhibition After Knee Injury

Exploring Neural Alterations in Knee Pathologies: A Comparative Review

Testing Reaction Time and Visual Processing During Agility Tasks

How Interpersonal Dynamics Influence Soccer Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

FullPhysio Masterclass - Arthrogenic Muscle Inhibition - Feb 2024

Unveiling the Impact of Sensory Perturbations on Balance: Neuroscience Insights

Corticospinal tract excitability and quadriceps rate of torque development after ACL injury

Developing A Portable, Neurostimulation-Integrated, Force Measurement Platform

Corticomuscular Cross-recurrence Analysis Reveals Between-limb Differences in Motor Control After ACL Reconstruction

Neural drive and motor unit characteristics after ACLR: Implications for quadriceps weakness

Cryotherapy User Guide

Blood Flow Restriction User Guide
Blood flow restriction (BFR) user guide.

Reducing Back Exertion and Improving Confidence of Individuals with Low Back Pain with a Back Exosuit

Brain Activation and Single-Limb Balance following ACLR

Eccentric vs Concentric: How much stronger are we?

Quadriceps Corticomuscular Coherence after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction

1-RM Testing in Rehabilitation