Corticomuscular Cross-recurrence Analysis Reveals Between-limb Differences in Motor Control After ACL Reconstruction
Improving neuromuscular function after ACLR is a vital component of rehabilitation to reduce the occurrence of poor clinical outcomes
The road to recovery after an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), particularly post-surgery, is often fraught with challenges. One significant concern for athletes and active individuals is the high rate of re-injury. Live4's recent publication sheds light on potential underlying causes, focusing on how the brain and muscles communicate after ACL reconstruction (ACLR).
Extension of current analysis approaches
Our previous findings (published in Medicine and Science in Sport) revealed that people with ACL reconstruction (ACLR) have a lower connection between brain activity and muscle control, especially during tasks that require tracking movements. This decrease in connection might make it harder for them to combine visual and touch information after the injury, requiring more mental effort. Consequently, their ability to maintain a steady force may be affected, shifting their brain activity to a range less focused on integrating sight and touch. While this way of analyzing brain and muscle signals provides good insights, it's not the only way to understand healthy brain and muscle interaction. The current study, published in (Experimental Brain Research) introduces a different method to re-analyze the neuromuscular dynamics of that data in a way that doesn't focus on the timing and frequency of brain and muscle signals. This new approach, corticomuscular cross-recurrence analysis (CM-cRQA), could offer a fresh understanding of how brain and muscle signals behave in more complex and changing situations, like what's seen in EEG and EMG recordings.
Figure 1 from Riehm et al (2023) illustrates the Corticomuscular Cross-Recurrence Quantification (CMcRQA) process using data recorded from the FCz electrode and Vastus Lateralis showing a sample recurrence plot and examples of vertical, diagonal and horizontal line structures that are used to calculate the CMcRQA measures.
“… stronger top-down motor control, which might be less responsive to feedback from the muscles (peripheral somatosensory integration) could contribute to difficulties in fully activating muscles voluntarily due to altered signaling from joint and muscle sensors.”
New insights into complex neuromuscular dynamics
Increased Synchronization in Injured Legs: The study found that individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) exhibit longer periods of synchronization between brain activity and muscle function in their injured leg compared to the non-injured leg. This is indicated by the mean diagonal line length (MDL) measure, which showed longer synchronization with the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle, and higher determinism (DET) with both VL and vastus medialis (VM) muscles.
More Consistent Signal Intermittency Indicating Stronger Control: Measurements such as horizontal laminarity (HLAM) and trapping time (HTT) revealed that there are longer and more consistent periods of intermittency in the brain signals to the injured leg. This suggests stronger top-down motor control, which might be less responsive to feedback from the muscles (peripheral somatosensory integration). This could contribute to difficulties in fully activating muscles voluntarily due to altered signaling from joint and muscle sensors.
Top-Down Control Scheme Independent of Sensorimotor Integration: Despite these changes in synchronization and intermittency, there were no differences in vertical line measures between the legs of the ACLR group, implying that muscle response to brain signals was consistent regardless of the injury. This supports the idea of a more dominant top-down control scheme, which operates independently of the impairments in sensorimotor integration. This finding aligns with previous research suggesting that difficulties in integrating multiple sensory inputs may be a factor in the observed changes post-ACLR.
Why It Matters
These results provide a deeper understanding of the neuromuscular changes following ACL reconstruction, highlighting potential areas for targeted rehabilitation and therapy. Recognizing the altered neuromuscular dynamics can help in developing more effective recovery programs, potentially reducing the risk of re-injury and aiding athletes in safely returning to their peak performance levels.
This new understanding of brain-muscle coordination post-ACLR highlights the importance of considering neuromuscular dynamics in rehabilitation and opens the door to more specialized and effective treatment approaches.
This was a collaboration with Emory SPARC, the University of Toledo, the University of Central Florida, Ohio University, and Boston University. Thanks to Chris Riehm and Scott Bonnette for leading the analysis.
The Full Text
The full paper is available online at Experimental Brain Research.
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