ACL-RSI: Anterior Cruciate Ligament: Return to Sport after Injury (6-Item)
The Short Form ACL - Return to Sport after Injury (ACL-RSI) scale, published in 2018 in OJSM, was developed in order to measure athletes' emotion, confidence, and risk appraisal when returning to sports after an ACL injury and/or reconstructive surgery. The survey consists of 6 items that are graded on a visual analogue scale from 0 points (extremely negative psychological responses) to 100 points (no negative psychological responses). The results of the survey have been found to be strongly and significantly associated with return to sport. Your score will be generated at the bottom of the page.
1. Are you confident that you can perform at your previous level of sport participation?
2. Do you think you are likely to re-injury your knee by participating in your sport?
3. Are you nervous about playing your sport?
4. Are you confident that you could play your sport without concern for your knee?
5. Do you find it frustrating to have to consider your knee with respect to your sport?
6. Are you fearful of re-injuring your knee by playing your sport?
Your ACL-RSI Score:
Normal ACL-RSI ratings:
Healthy : > 75.0
Abnormal: < 56.0
Severely Abnormal: < 47.0