Physical Therapy is your Best Play Against Quadriceps Strains

Sidelined by thigh pain

Imagine sprinting toward the goal, the crowd’s cheers fueling your adrenaline, or getting ready for that game-winning kick—only to be sidelined by a sharp pain in your thigh.

Quadricep strains might seem like a minor setback in an athlete’s career, but they often turn into a recurring nuisance that can bench even the best players. From 2015 to 2019, the thigh was the most injury-prone body part in Major League Soccer, and NCAA studies from 2009 to 2015 show a similar trend, particularly in soccer—both men’s and women’s—and among football kickers.

Athletes often try to brush them off with quick rest and Advil, but this approach is like slapping a band-aid on a leaky pipe and expecting it not to burst again. While a quadricep strain can heal quickly, the residual weakness and limited mobility can lurk beneath the surface. This is where a skilled physical therapist steps in, like a mechanic with a fine-tuned diagnostic tool, pinpointing the injury’s exact location and crafting a tailored recovery plan.

Recognizing Quadricep Strains

The tell-tale signs of a quadricep strain are hard to miss if you know what to look for:

  • Tenderness to touch and pressure.

  • Pain with any quadricep contraction.

  • Discomfort with routine movements like squats, lunges, stairs, or walking.

  • Discomfort and/or pain with stretching the thigh.

How Physical Therapy Helps You Get Back in the Game

As most would agree, a good physical therapist won’t just patch you up; they'll help rebuild you, better and stronger. At Live4, our physical therapists assess the damage and then take you through a strategic exercise program that is customized to you. You’ll work on flexibility, muscle activation, and core stability, ensuring not just a return to the game but a return to peak performance. We will write a return to sport program for the athlete, encompassing a gradual progression into more intense drills and greater kicking speeds/distance.

Injury Prevention: Playing the Long Game

Preventing quadricep strains is about pacing and preparation. A lot of strains happen because athletes hit the ground running—literally 0 to 100—without a proper build-up. A thoughtful, progressive routine can warm up the muscles and prepare them for the rigors of an upcoming season or match, much like how a good pre-game strategy sets the stage for victory. Our experts at Live4 specialize in creating individualized injury prevention programs for soccer, football, basketball, and more.

Get back in the game, and stay there.

Treating a quadricep strain with respect and seeking expert physical therapy can save athletes from a cycle of injury and recovery. It’s not just about getting back on your feet; it’s about staying there, game after game. Let us help you through the process.

  1. Eckard TG, et al. J Athl Train. 2017.

  2. Forsythe B, et al. Orthop J Sports Med. 2022.

  3. Mendiguchia J, et al. Br J Sports Med. 2013.


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