Eat Well. Recover Faster.

Nutritional demands are actually HIGHER right after injury and surgery due to stress on the body (protein needs can be increased by as much as 80%!).

Most people assume less movement = eat less, but the demands of tissue healing and moving around on crutches require a lot of energy.

Here are some of our favorite nutrition tips for injury recovery:

  1. Consume high-quality protein (e.g. minimally processed meats, legumes, eggs, plant-based protein, and protein supplements)

  2. Ensure you are getting enough Vitamin D through diet and supplementation (if needed)

  3. Increase omega-3 fatty acids such as, salmon, tuna, walnuts, avocado, chia seeds, flaxseed, etc. (Pro tip: add chia seed or flaxseed to your protein-packed smoothie!)

  4. Eat the “real food” rainbow. Minimize processed foods and eat a variety of real fruits and veggies

  5. Don’t leave out the carbs. Minimally processed carbohydrates like whole oats, whole grains, quinoa, etc. are necessary to support recovery

Vegetables -

Always consult a licensed healthcare professional before making changes to your diet. Each individual will have different needs and nutrient requirements.

Photo by Ella Olsson


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