5 minutes To a Better Workout

Take 5-10 minutes at the start of your workout to do a DYNAMIC WARM-UP.

Research shows that a dynamic warm-up can reduce risk of non-contact musculoskeletal injury by 23%! It also serves to gradually increase blood flow to muscles and improves performance in your workout - run faster, squat deeper, feel more flexible.

What is a dynamic warm-up?
5-10 minutes of movement preparation. It can be any combination of movements that target dynamic flexibility, muscle activation, strength, plyometrics, etc. Ideally, it will be specific to your needs and your workout. For example, if you are going for a run, it would be helpful to add in some high knees and butt kicks. But if you are going to do an upper body weight training session, it’ll benefit you more to focus on dynamic stretches that target your upper back and shoulders.

Where do I start?
Download this infographic and try Sarah and Dave’s 4 favorite dynamic warm-up exercises before your next workout.


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